content marketing notebookMost website owners recognize the importance of having plenty of quality content to offer visitors. Some even understand why posting new content regularly can help attract new visitors.

However, the majority don't have a specific content marketing plan in place. Your strategy needs to ensure that your time and effort yield the best possible results.

Here is a short summary of some things you should take into account when developing your content marketing plan:

Know Your Objectives

Why exactly are you releasing new content? Are you aiming to inform your customers about products or services available through your organization? Perhaps your content is focused on generating leads or promoting the launch of a new product line.

It's important to clearly define your objectives and base your strategy on achieving the end result you desire.

Know Your Point of Difference

What is the one thing about you, your organization or your products that sets you apart from your competition? When you identify your point of difference, how will your content stand out from your competitor's offerings?

Producing content that explains the basics of your products or services is fine, but it doesn't set you apart from anyone else on the market. Are your products cheaper? Perhaps you offer superior quality than your competitors or better customer service than anyone else in your niche. Find a way to convey your message and still ensure your content stands out from the crowd.

Know Your Target Audience

The content you produce is often dictated by the people in your target audience. Take the time to read social media and website comments and feedback, as well as, any conversations or interactions with your own customers, to determine what your audience really wants. Pay attention to the information you learn and use it to create necessary content that addresses any concerns or gaps that you identify.

Know How to Execute Your Content Marketing Plan

Take the time to understand how and where your audience consumes their information. Do they want to see short daily updates on their social media feed, or would they rather see an informative, in-depth article delivered directly to their email inbox once a week?

Determine the type of content you want to produce and how you intend to deliver it. Then create your execution plan accordingly.

Know Your Calls to Action

Content marketing is designed to get prospective customers reading the information you release. However, once they've digested that information, what do you want them to do?

Clearly define your call to action. Make it easy for your audience to know what they're expected to do next and add interactive elements to ensure it's more engaging.

Know How to Scale Your Campaign

Creating content is a good start, but it's not enough on its own. You need people to see your message even if they haven't visited your website. Sharing each piece of content through your organization's social media platforms helps to increase awareness in circles you may not otherwise have reached. You also have the advantage of others sharing your posts, which broadens your distribution even further.

Know How to Measure Performance

Loading up new content is great, but do you know which posts are performing? Which pages on your site are drawing visitors in droves and which ones are being ignored, or worse, causing people to click away from your site?

Understand how to measure your performance metrics. Use the data you collect to tweak your content marketing plan. Your metrics can also give you valuable insight into what types of content are working well and which ones to replicate.

Creating a content marketing strategy isn't difficult. However, it's important to understand your plan of attack before you begin. Take the time to work through your own strategy and watch your results soar.

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